Friday 28 September 2012

XBOX 360m rapid fire mode

Simple Xbox 360 Rapid Fire Mod

I'm sure you have seen what a modded (modified) controller can do if you have played online on games such as Call Of Duty, Halo 3, Gears Of War or Grand Theft Auto.

Here is an extremely simple modification to enable you to shoot your Barret .50 cal like a P90.

UPDATE: Okay, there seems to a problem with certain types of controllers. Apparently there are controllers that use PWM and others are Matrix type. To determine which type yours is, check to see if you have a crystal on your board, as you can see in the bottom right of picture 1. if you have one, your good to go, if you don't, then this mod will not work and the button just acts as another trigger.

Step 1Ingredients

First off you will need,

A TT8 Torx Driver
A Small Push Button Switch
Some Thin Wire, Any will do (I used IDE Cable)
An Xbox 360 Controller (Wired or Wireless, it works the same)
Soldering Iron
A Drill and Drill bit (To match the diameter of the thread on your switch)
Some form of surface to work on. (I used a window ledge, I suggest you don't)

Step 2Dismantle

Taking the battery out reveals another screw, its underneath the barcode sticker.

There are 7 screws to remove, so grab that Torx driver and twist! (Anti -Clock-wise)

With the buttons facing DOWN , separate the two halves carefully, paying attention to the motors.

Step 3Drill

Find the best place to put your switch, choose very carefully, as once you've drilled you cant remove the hole from your £30 Controller!

Once you have found a place, put the two halves back together and see if there is enough room for your switch to go in.

If there is, well done. Remove the circuit board so that it doesn't get damaged, then you can drill the hole and improve £32 worth of electronics.

Step 4Plug it in

Put the switch in your new hole. Make sure that you orient the pins so that they are not getting bent or squashed when the controller is back together. I had to remove some of the motor holder to fit my switch in.

Step 5Soldering Time

Heat up the soldering iron, not too hot or else it might break some components.

Point one and two are in pictures 2 and 3 respectively.
An final overview is in picture 4.
5 and 6 show the switch.
7 shows what happens when your iron is too hot and you take too long to make a joint.

Make sure wiring runs stay clear of the black button pads, analogue stick movement and screw holes.

Step 6Put It All Back

Are the switch pins going to make contact with anything on the other half of the controller when reassembled?

Are all of the wires free from places of movement or screw holes?

Are the solder joints correct and not dry?

Are all of the annoying black pieces of the controller back on their positioning pins?
(they are annoying as they have a habit of coming off the pins half way through putting it back together)

Has your soldering iron made suitably sized black marks on your window ledge?

Four out of five is good enough to continue.

For a quick test, replace the battery and depress your switch all the way. If the player one led lights up very dimly, then the mod worked!

Now try putting it back together without breaking anything.

Step 7Done!

If you are having trouble putting it all back together, try wigging it while applying gentle force, and make sure all wires and button rubbers are not obstructing anything.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Wifi Receiver Extender

I will show you how to make a simple wifi receiver extender made from household items. I had problems getting a good wifi signal in our house so I thought of this. It help me it might help you!

- Wifi Receiver
- USB  Extender
- Steamer Plate
- Laptop
- Tripod

Make a rectangular hole using a knife. Be careful !
Connect the receiver to the female plug.
Make a small hole for the tripod. Be sure to make it exact.
You're done. Connect the male USB plug to the laptop / desktop.
Protecting Pc With handheld Key
Prevent unauthorized access to ur PC by keeping ur CPU locked at home or office.

Follow the simple steps,

Level: Beginner

Tools Required
1.Key operated switch 50INR
2 Jumper wires (From Scrap)
3. Terminal Connector (From Scrap)

Open ur Cabinet cover.
Take apart ur FDD closure, make a hole with ur solder iron.
Attach the Key operated switch with the wire hanging inside the CPU.
Put back the FDD closure
Connect one of ur terminal CPU switch to one terminal of Key switch via a small jumper wire

Use ur soldering techniques
Find the exact PowerSW terminal in MBD and connect the rest two terminals to that corresponding MBD SW
Configure BIOS by pressing DEL,F2 key (depends on ur PC)
Goto power options
Change After Power Failure to STAY OFF

This is used to keep ur PC switched off even when the electricity goes off
Still u need Key to switch the PC back on
Put ur CPU Cabinet Cover back lock and screw it which cannot be opened.

Operate the Keyswitch then ur Power Button to Switch On

That's it ready to go!!!!!

Watching Youtube Videos withou buffering!!!!!

Does your YouTube video buffer and pause multiple times while playing ? Frustrated watching those stuttering videos ? Even seconds of loading time feel like ages ? Then you have landed in the right place. This article is just for you.

YouTube – being a part of Internet giant Google, has always looked out for ways to improve its services. With a staggering growth of users over years, Google wants to ensure that videos load and playback quickly. This is the reason why YouTube has introduced a brand new feature called YouTube Feather (currently an opt-in beta)
Not everyone has a fast internet connection and Youtube is not optimized for low-bandwidth Internet. New features like 1080p videos have slowed down loading times significantly. So, this optimization is clearly an attempt from YouTube to cater for the millions of users on capped or limited internet speed connections.

YouTube Feather : makes use of advanced web techniques to serve YouTube video pages to the users in a fastest possible way. It limits various features and the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser making videos stream swiftly then ever before.

The difference..
You can easily notice the difference between the regular YouTube videos and YouTube Feather. Not only in terms of faster streaming without buffering but also in terms of the amount of data downloaded by the browser. For instance, the browser downloaded 52 Kilobytes of data for the video in YouTube Feather when compared to 391 Kilobytes that the standard YouTube pages required.

Feather turns off most of the AJAX features on YouTube. Because of this, you can’t comment on videos (the number of loaded comments are just 10). It takes out a lot of the navigation and you have just three key actions available : to favorite a video, to flag a video and to subscribe to a channel. You can’t even rate videos, however, related videos remain limited to 5 videos compared to YouTube’s usual offering of 21.

But if you’re just interested in watching the video, none of that is going to matter to you, and you may very well not notice the difference anyway.

Monday 24 September 2012

To start off, just a few  tips ,that led me Quibitio Esposito    to success and might help you too-

*If you notice wrinkles forming in your birthday suit iron them out.
*To reward yourself for losing the weight you set out to lose, take yourself out to dinner at a fast food restaurant.
*When asked "Why should we hire you?" in a job interview, reply with "I'm a vampire and can work with 200% efficiency." You're sure to get the job
*After washing your pet, always remember to put it in the microwave to dry it.
*To avoid awkward situations, put pants on before the guests arrive.